Thursday, January 30, 2020

Asuras Bali and Mara are now permanently banned from Deva Nagri

Asuras with 114 Suras, Mara and Bali, deceivers of the world, are now permanently banished from Deva Nagri.


It is you who is an outcast, Bali/Mara/Allah/YHWH.

The Pharoah of the Exodus(es) was a Vishnu/Shiva incarnation

The famous 'pharaoh of the exodus' was none other than Lord Vishnu turning into Shiva, punishing criminal parasitic elements that entered the great Egyptian civilization uninvited. Egyptian civilization which he started and preserved, one of the greatest human civilizations of all time.

How Vishnu preserved Christianity in Europe

Vlad 'the impaler' was an avatar of Lord Vishnu, the preserver. In his preserver mode, Vishnu preserved Christian Europe as Vlad Tepes, the famous 'Dracula' or Vlad the Impaler.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

All souls were created in Deva Nagri at Night.

We created all souls in the night. The Eternal Night. Every night is that night.

- Bhagavad Naya 452423.4546