Thursday, January 30, 2020

How Vishnu preserved Christianity in Europe

Vlad 'the impaler' was an avatar of Lord Vishnu, the preserver. In his preserver mode, Vishnu preserved Christian Europe as Vlad Tepes, the famous 'Dracula' or Vlad the Impaler.


  1. He did it alone. I did it alone. If there was no Vlad, there would have been no christianity in europe in the present age. Someone needs to redo what i did. However, this present conflict is caused by jews, to make christians and muslims fight each other once more, to start another Crusade, instead of focusing on the enemies of the human race, the jews (read bible and koran)

  2. Vlad the impaler is not dead.

    He is still around.

    He is typing this.

  3. forget all that propaganda against him by his haters. He did what needed to be done. He did the Lord's word, whoever taht Lord is.
