Sunday, March 15, 2020

Nirvana is non-existence. Existence is a sin.

Like Gautama Buddha, deep in my meditation, i am about to explain the trap set by Mara, who is Demiurge, who is satan, the god of this world, to lure mankind into the underworld that is presented as heaven to people.

Nirvana is non-existence. It isn't a state of being, like paradise, with endless pleasures.

Since you start existing, you are set in a trap.

You go down from higher spiritual worlds to lower worlds, until you come down to this material, then most of us go lower still, hell levels.

Existence is a trap. Highest chakra is considered holy, divine, pure by most. It is itself a mechanism to trap you to indulge, first indulge in the highest chakra, then slowly slide down, until you reach your lowest desires, desires of sin, in the lowest chakras, situated in genitals.

The more you indulge, the lower you go. Worship itself is a sin. The more you worship, the more you enable the demon who is keeping you entrapped.

The rulers took Adam and put Adam in paradise. They said, Eat, meaning, do so in a leisurely manner. But in fact their pleasure is bitter and their beauty is perverse. Their pleasure is a trap, their trees are a sacrilege, their fruit is deadly poison, their promise is death.

They put their tree of life in the middle of paradise.

I shall teach you the secret of their life, the plan they devised together, the nature of their spirit: The root of their tree is bitter, its branches are death, its shadow is hatred, a trap is in its leaves, its blossom is bad ointment, its fruit is death, desire is its seed, it blossoms in darkness. The dwelling place of those who taste of it is the underworld, and darkness is their resting place.


  1. Because you attached yourself to physical pleasures, the pain of suffering is doubled. If you nonindulge, pain sensations can be dampened or rendered unpainful.

    1. each successive avatar i evolve myself as suited to that age. - Bhagavad Naya 2252.5757

      As muhammad i received revelations pertaining to that era.
      as me, i received revelations for this age of science and technology.

      I received them in 6 months, twice as much. Previously, it took me 23 years to receive them in Arabia.

    2. Vishnu is said to descend in form of an avatar to restore cosmic order. ... All avatars have appeared except Kalki, who will appear at the end of the Kali Yuga. The order of the ancient concept of Dashavataras has been interpreted to be reflective of modern Darwinian evolution.

    3. each successive avatar i evolve myself as suited to that age. - Bhagavad Naya 2252.5757

  2. i think in macro terms. i dont give one fuck abt their pathetic 'oh so subtle' jabs. each successive generation grows old doing the same shit. when they are in their old age, senile, they dont remember anything, except bad memories. then they die. generations come and go. each passing people think they are unique and doing something different. they are all the same. previous generation thought they were inventive. nothing is new under the sun.

    nothing new under the sun or the moon or the stars

  3. ego itself is a trap to keep you interested in this trap that is existence.
