Sunday, February 2, 2020

Theory of simulcarnation approved by the Gods

Simulcarnation theory posits that you are living many lives right now in this world in this time period. Simultaneous incarnations of your higher self happen in various worlds in all time periods, sometimes simultaneously, in an infinite series of descension and ascension. There are alternate histories of each world that exist, and there are infinite worlds out there: you exist in them all living many lives, sometimes simultaneously. Right now you may be living 7 to thousands of lives simultaneously. You may be a beggar in Africa struggling for a penny. You may be a female fashion model, rich and famous. Imagine the contrast that your higher self is experiencing.

I, Harihara, Vishnu and Shiva together in one, approve of this theory, to further the puranic teachings of Sanata Dharma, incorporating western understanding of the mysterious eternal dharma.

"Oddly enough we not only pick up the body type needed for specific experiences but we also can select the best time period for these experiences. This means we may have an incarnation in ancient Egypt, the wild West, during the Civil War, or current time, all simultaneously. This means a rich experience set for the Higher Self.

At first this idea seemed impossible to me until I was exposed to the idea that all time frames exist simultaneously, and may be entered at any time by a Higher Self. Some out of body explorers also are able to go to these different time dimensions and then come back to the present when re-entering the body.

According to the material I read Earth is one of a few planets designated for simultaneous incarnations and that the Higher Self may have as many as 1,500 incarnations at one time."

1 comment:

  1. This will add to eastern philosophies/religions such as hinduism and buddhism. Monks or saddhus came up with reincarnation theory 5000 years ago. Simultaneous incarnation theory will be considered accepted belief of billions in the future, say 5000 years, 7000 AD.
